What the power of Horny for a pink woman does to a MF
Sayori helping MC (Doki souls)
MX skin Idea, Modern Dr.Egg-skin type: Legendary
stricken subterfuge skin idea
Is no one going to talk about WYST's new gobble bomb buff? (Clip related)
Okay, who punched fuwatti in the eye
Mario themed skins for Uncle Samsonite, MX, & Valem
Soooo WYST’s Cousins were never confirmed to be solely male so what if…
Which PC2 monsters have you known before pillar chase? (Image unrelated)
I just created a new character, what the HECK should i name it?
No one warn me that playing the first route will ruin you for all other routes
i drew some fe3h memes :3
Some quick sketches of my favourite PCX skins
In your opinion what's the most overused skin by Uncle Samsonite mains?
Sayori hanging out with her new friend Sonic!!!!
What are people’s thoughts on Ao Oni? (Image maybe kind of related)
What if the club had a completely normal day?
Is Monika Cooked???
Who is your favorite monster?my favorite is PCX
What r your controversial takes about the game?
Whose chase music is the most underrated? For me personally, I think it’s this guy.
My spoon is too big.. -I AM WYST!!!!!!!!
What opinion got you like this in PC2
A tierlist I made on the chase music
What are your main issues with the game? (Image unrelated