Message from Hormona Lisa via Twitter 🩷
Does anyone else associate certain albums with certain seasons
this is so ethel cain
27M. Genuinely curious what assumptions can be made about me based on my home
Onya is my hero
Does anyone know how to fix this??
Use memes/photos to describe an Ethel Cain song.
What's wrong with people?
Share Your Farm Name
Favorite Song on Perverts?
Perverts final thoughts
I'm not supposed to be here and I don't know what to do.
Ethel would create an insane indie horror game soundtrack
I can't put my finger on who Lydia B Kollins reminds me of - any thoughts?
I’m sick of seeing lip syncs in the talent shows
Favorite characters that have you like this
Ptolemaea inspired art
say your favourite song of memaw and I’ll give you a rating
Does anyone know how Ethel edits her photos?
Dawn weighs in on the discourse around Chappell Roan saying both parties are bad
how it feels to not have to go out in public with 50 pimple patches covering my entire face anymore
what songs have deep meaning to you? why?
If Dunkin’ were to bring back some discontinued items, which ones would you want?
Any reason healthy buns shouldn’t have 2-3mL Critical Care as a treat? I have leftovers after feeding my sick bun..
How to transition a rabbit from free feeding to a feeding schedule?
Need help naming my new bun 🥺