[24] How can I look better?
I got bangs today. Yesterday vs today
[20 F] what can I do to look better
Better pics of my eyes. Blue-grey ish.
What makes a rap song good/makes you instantly love the song?
who is this? (wrong answers only)
What kind of feelings does this evoke?
What eyeshadow colors or eyeliner look would match my eyes best?
Good dog diaper recommendations?
Which rapping style is better: angry or more dark, mysterious, creepy
“Go get a real job” any other stay at home mom ever heard this?
Imagine telling a stay at home mom with a disability to get a real job
Whats his name?
Awkward spot tattoo ideas?
What hair type(s) does it look like I have?
AIO for accepting a favor my bf offered?
What color are my eyes? Blue grey hazel or CH?
[21] vs [24]
Should i be concerned
The biggest nose in the world I bet
Before and after finally caring for my hair
How would you do my makeup (no makeup on this time 🫣)
Any good matte brown lipstick and lip liner recommendations?
Did I improve my makeup? I listened to some advice and tips!
What color are my eyes? Grey hazel or grey with CH?