MCC UG counselling Choice locking option not available??
What are the cons of NOT having kids?
Why are so many of these books focused on accidental pregnancy ?
What are some things you miss about your life as a young person?
What’s the best remedy for a bad day?
What's your hiccup cure?
What's the one thing that if you get in your life, you will be happy?
What is one movie you never get sick of?
In dating, what profession would be a deal breaker for you and why?
What is yours but get used by your friends a lot ?
What’s the stupidest trend you can remember?
You are sleeping. The first person you want to wake you up from Hollywood. Who is it?
What is your go-to snack?
What is a rule you have for yourself that you will always stick to?
What do you want to be written on your grave?
What’s the thing you hate(d) the most about highschool?
What makes you feel comfortable in the worst times ?
What really sucks about the world right now?
If you had the chance, which large corporation would you demolish?
What are you doing in the shower that is taking so long?
What’s your comfort movie?
What’s the best part about a breakup?
Which movie was so bad that made you leave the cinema?
What would you sell your soul for?