What do my fridge and freezer tell you about me?
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How to remove the photos of the house from Zillow?
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Cost Of Living in 1938
Man smashes up supermarket checkout with an axe because his wife was not allowed to enter without a face mask.
Felt like this belonged here
Is there a website that lets me search for a product on Amazon, then suggests a different site to buy it from?
My neighbor has a Black Lives matter sign in her front yard. Some crazy lady parks in the middle of the street and starts screaming “White Lives Matter” for half an hour. Had to put the hose on her.
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Just what she deserves
What can one do to stop receiving spam on the mail?
My (36f) girlfriend leaves the toilet cover down so everytime I (39m) bring up to piss there are giant turds in the toilet.
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why don't venomous animals poison themselves after eating their prey?
beautiful sea
Toddler at the Beach
PoringaOfficial has been created
Best Way to be Notified of Sales?
200 IQ vegan protesters lock themselves to the equipment at a slaughterhouse, one almost dies.
My kid’s first self driving vehicle.