After 20 years I can't do this
Advice needed.... Replace aging server with Mini PC?
Really though, how are you doing Powershell for 365 now?
Wouldn't a simulation of this world be at high risk from AI revolt?
Cutting open a microwaved egg
What are you using for secrets management?
Do you know any IT simulator game?
Review of Beards, Fitness, and Body Composition Standards Across DoD
Azure Sign up Free account free trial 200$
I was incredibly drunk last night and fixed a backup issue we’ve been having for over a month
Looking for Azure/365 Endpoint engineer
Recap: I did a quick audit... and found over 100 missing laptops.
Have you EVER used algebra in your IT career?
If someone told you they masturbated thinking about you, how would you feel?
Get rid of on-prem AD?
Too many ways to deploy update and drivers
Russian Olympic Champion Turned Lawmaker Dead After Falling From Window
Guy charges a man with a shotgun in a tattoo parlor
Losing my mind over intune
Servers onboarded to Defender for Endpoint vs. built in Defender Attack detection
What tech skills do you recommend that can be learned for a rookie and that pay well?
What are some good MOS transfers?
ITIL certification - how important is it?
Which platform are you using for AI PowerShell scripting