Saxon is way out of his depth and doesn't know it, Chloe is the real amoral predator
You may be wildly overestimating how important hitting the gym is
Tips for someone dating YOU
I (25M) have been with my girlfriend (25F) for 10 years, but I don’t know if I can commit forever?
So are we going to skip over Chloe's borderline pedo vibes?
No sex, no upgrading of the relationship?
MIL needs assisted living but can't move out of her house
I am a hoarder and I need advice.
Question for women. Is this true?
What do you want out of a relationship, ideally?
Daughter is growing up to be extremely tall, how to help with growing pains?
Dating in the modern age…
I just got the biggest jck from a woman cuz she had a hook up despite what her profile said.
Should I keep paying for my dog's health insurance?
Women think it’s only difficult for them to find a good guy.
What gift should I get for my husband?
Is it normal for guys to want sex after less than 3 dates?
Pregnant GF wants to get daughter’s ears pierced
Age.. does it really matter?
Dating in todays society is completely broken
How can I be more interesting and irresistible to a man?
So is everyone just avoidant now?
Divorcees of Reddit. Would you ever get married again? Why or why not?
Can’t stay hard while being intimate? How do I fix this?
How much does a woman being divorced effect dating her?