Anyone get pregnant right after an hsg???
Dealing with Infertility as a labor and delivery nurse
Thank you, Oura Ring- You may have saved my life 🙏
Pain control during TTC
Fuck screaming into the void. I’m wailing.
HSG experience according to my Oura ring
Buried mom today. Can’t stop thinking about her being underground, cold
Where was I August 2023?
DAE stop TTC after an ectopic pregnancy?
What's your age, and what's the biggest challenge you're currently facing right now?
BFP after Ectopic. I’m excited and scared!
Scared I will die alone in a nursing home with nobody
Scared of ectopic pregnancy, IUD and fluctuating HCG levels
Which job has, hands down, the worst impact on mental health?
help with activities idea
Lost my Mom
Father has just been diagnosed with stage 4 inoperable GBM.
For those who have lost their fathers, please write down your age and at what age your father passed...
Covid CNSC Exam
I literally cannot take my coworker anymore.
What's your favourite thing about being a dietitian?
Is anyone else getting a serious relationship reality check with covid-19 and their partner?
Am I really ok?
Probable eptopic