School nurse caught me doing ERP and I’ve been forced into fucking daily “wellness checks”
it’s all been resolved now but lesson learned- DONT do exposures on paper, do it in the fucking Choiceful tool where it’s literally made for this type of shit 🤦♂️.
DAE deal with suicidal OCD?
Get Smart is even better when you pretend it’s a Michael Scarn adventure
Why did Mount Everest become the highest mountain?
The Office according to Creed
Soo Uh Car Tour Alex With A Beard Is “scary”
What music brought you into the world of Arctic Monkeys?
If you could only listen to 10 songs for the rest of your life, what ArMo songs would you choose?
ocd treatment sucks.
Sometimes I want to give up my hobby ! 😭
I know this is a long reach but someone has to post it...
i have absolutley no karma and cant contribute to the groups i signed up to join
The new The Office Serie is .... Bad ... Very Bad
Just got a new puppy. Don’t know what to call it