Hey guys! It’s W&W, our Rave Culture Live: 002 Livestream is coming up and we’re here to answer all your questions. AMA
What things turn you men on in bed?
How are your relationships with the opposite gender these days?
I gave a girl at work my number, but I think it was a mistake. What to do?
I've voted straight blue since 2008, but I'm voting for Trump in 2024. AMA
Differences between West Coast and East Coast raves? Go for it!
How to deal with men who never practice self-introspection or self-reflection?
Height insecurity
Where do Asian men usually hang out? Where can I meet Asian men?
Western women travellers feel safest in East Asian countries and cities (Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore). Destroying more anti AM narratives.
Asian Men Age Like Fine Wine.
How to be less intimidating as a bigger guy?
When a woman messes up, what’s the best (non-s*xual) way that she can make it up to you?
Gentlemen, is it best to be honest about everything when ending a relationship?
Do platonic and professional friendships with women exist anymore?
Are platonic or professional relationships with females impossible these days?
Physical attraction first and then mental attraction second or mental attraction first and then physical attraction second?
How do you confront men who fetishize Asian women?
Are financial advisors / private wealth managers worth it?
What's on your NYC Bucket List?
Please help: no power in half of apartment after contractor used floor sander.
Is the Toyota Mirai Worth Getting? Price Breakdown Below.
I found something NYC doesn't have. Safety Deposit Boxes. Where do I find one?
What was the most fucked up thing someone said to you?