Most vanilla forward fragrance
Masturful masturbation technique
someone put a cigarette out in my birthday cake and then made me eat it
What exactly makes a man attractive?
How tall are you ?
This is my first time making trading in the Trump era
What’s your signature scent and how old are you?
What's the best clone release of 2024 for you?
I call it my dog food slop breakfast and I eat it every day
What to start working on first?
No BS am i ugly, i get no looks at school
Left hand rn
How do you even get a girlfriend?
I always assumed my eyes were hazel, are they?
Honestly how do you beat druid when they can bear form non stop?
I don't pull any girl, am I ugly?
Hazel or CH? I don't see a distinct line so I can't tell
1 year of gym 🥳
Boring hazel
Help me choose
Druid ain't what it used to be
is Versace Eros flame good for a 16 year old?
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