finally finished my eeveelution BAB set!
my mothman shrine, including the many mothman variants my wife has made me!
This is the stuff that’s good for piercings right for cleaning them I mean
[Question] Do you guys have any triggers that you absolutely cannot stand if so why? Also what are some triggers you absolutely love and wish you could see more of?
Should I get snakebites if I have work the next day
piercer told me my stomach is too flat for a navel piercing??
I smeII when i dont eat anything for 2 hours or more
Third lobe piercing gone wrong! Help!
Which representation of a public/historical figure do you think is in the worst taste?
What did you use your Masterball(s) on?
I think they messed up on my daughter’s lobe piecing
whats everyones planned build for the mighty meowscarada raids?
Can I pierce my tongue at home
Got a lot of comments that my tattoo looks horrible. How could it be improved?
What is your favourite, objectively awful, Pokémon?
is my septum placed right??
[Final Update ] Story of my messed up heritage
tips for enduring my chest tattoo
Anyone else feel like this sub is being over run with sensitive viewers?
Is my side labret rejecting/ infected?
Any grocery stores standing by DEI policies?
I got banned in the r/piercing… SO PIERCING QUESTION
Random question
Is my art good, please criticise me
What should I get done?