Do you miss or wonder how’s your first love doing?
Yesterday my son (9M) and I had the worse experience at our LCS
Custom PlayStation Crochet
When you go out, what do you do to make sure you look good?
151 tins drop at Costco in Toronto this morning
Crown zenith or brilliant stars?
I just got back in the US and went to stores and poke vending machines, I am getting mean looks by the store employees. I assume people did not behave
What's the prettiest name you have ever Heard?
What do you guys do with these?
I think I got a batching error
My wife ordered some cookies of favorite cards and pokemon for my birthday.
We need to normalize showcasing cards just because we like them, not because they’re valuable chase cards. I’ll start:
Pulled this after 36 packs 😭 Can it 10?
Finally hit on a 2 pack from Costco online ! Do I open one and store one or just rip all ?
Singles or Packs?
Its so sad that I can only enjoy this hobby by watching videos now
AIO my 37M is attracted to 18 year olds
No jacket or jacket?
You have only $10, pick your pro bending team.
How are you feeling with this?
What's game that you always keep coming back to????
If your EX text you "Baby I love you, I want you back". What's your reply?
Boyfriend thinks she’s ugly, she’s just a bit slow
Did I wait too long to eat this