What y’all think about the new caliente sauce?
So disappointing with the steak cheesy dipping burritos😭
Is soul dew deactivated in PWT?
Battle Hall Time
Anyone else have that kinda random favorite shiny pokemon?
GameStop Is Out Of Their Minds
Which starter should I choose?
Need 2 pokemon to fill my HG/SS team?
Got the 100 streak and look at that black trainer card 🙏🏼✌🏼
Can you get a 100 win streak in the battle tower without perfect IVs? Is it possible to undo EVs yet, or what?
Never accidentally grown mold this bad, how do i even clean it off?
What’s your favorite route music?
Continuing my streak 91-98 in the battle tower
10 years after, I am finally reaching the post-game for the first time. Any suggestion?
91 streak at battle tower, sorry for spam lmao
Battle Tower Update
Gold Print Achieved, now it’s time for the 100 streak and to get my last star for my trainer card. Thanks for the suggestions guys.
Tips Needed For Speedy Head Smash Rampardos
Is it a programmed mechanic that every time I change my team for the battle tower their teams/trainers just all of the sudden change as well and I’m always at a disadvantage?
Should I change something? Swapped Raikou for Empoleon to see if this team does any better in the Battle Tower.
Battle Tower Recommendations Needed
Can I trade a skull fossil from DP/P to HGSS?
Getting ready to take on Battle Tower (lmk if this team is good enough)
No one saw my last post but that’s ok, I did it with what I had.