Buying a Type R GT - pointers?
Hi, I’m new, I found this over a decade ago buried in the garde, what is it? Feels heavy - 127g, roughly 45mm diameter
W: Black Dumpling A:Ask
W:Scavengers Curved Sword A:Ask
W:Millicent’s prosthesis A:Ask
W: sword of night
W: Flocks Canvas Talisman H: Ask
Just bought up this lovely area 👀 feel I got very lucky 🌳
Who’s is this Rainbow Ultra player who’s flown to the uk to spend over 10K on parcels after UK release 😂
Atlas Earth App just released in the UK - receive real money for virtual land - please use my referral code to give me a head start as a F2P 🙏🏽 Code: IM6N9L - App:
Best level 13 demon hunter talent?
Is it just me who’s spotted Meteor hiding where he shouldn’t be 👀
Idle Heroes Patch Notes Sep.22.2023
Is it worth the wait?
How will I ever spent all this dust?
Do you leave your rods in overnight?
Any good decks with these legendaries that include banshee?
Binance Glitch
ELI5: Why it is that when one puts pressure on their eyes / press their hands into your eyes while they’re closed, that one can see random shapes, colours and patterns?