Do these work as collar studs?
Can Anyone name these clouths?
What’s an opinion you have that most people wouldn’t agree with?
What are some things that present challenge to you in your life?
How important is sex in a relationship to you ?
What you biggest “I’m outa here” moment?
How bad are the cards you were dealt with in life?
What’s something you hate?
What makes you the most angry?
Do you really believe money makes you happy? Why?
Brave people in history
What kind of gift would you like for your birthday?
What is your biggest insecurity?
What is YOUR most attractive feature or quality?
What is the most poetic line you have ever read/heard?
Do you think money brings happiness? and how?
What was your first memory as a child?
What does being attracted to someone feel like?
what's the worst part about being fat?
What’s the most comfortable item you own that you can’t live without?
What are your top 3 fantasies?
What’s hard about dating you?
What is something that you're proud of having?
What do you find attractive in others?