Tá sobrando? O Kim quer mais um pouquinho.
KKKKKKKKKKK. Vocês já passaram por algo parecido?
What in god's name is the purpose of this?
Are you doing it?
Topping out at 1400 feet
Quitar financiamento de R$113.000 ou investir dinheiro em alguma RF
CDB 110% vale a pena?
Ill just leave this here
[Bahia, Brazil] Is it dangerous?
Status invest ou invetidor 10?
Anyone here happens to know how to reverse engineer this ZOOM FC02 foot switch?
O ano de 2024 será o ano do Linux! /s
What is happening with my Ipad 1st Gen?
Any chance I can connect this Bluetooth Page Turner to an iPad 1st Gen (2010)?
Curso Joe Moghrabi ou IGT Online?
[Release] NetStream - Online video streaming application: YouTube and more!
Ta justo o valor?
Tiraram a capa hoje
Era só fumar, beber e entrevistar, o cara levou ban mundial !
We have a vacuum system in the house, where you just put a long hose on and it starts sucking
Is there any chance to repair this and not have it snap later?
Golpe no aluguel de casa no Facebook Marketplace
Acabei de achar essa aranha em casa. Podem me ajudar a identificar? Acho que pode ser aranha-lobo ou armadeira
ELI5: What causes the even pattern of ripples in a "washboard" gravel road?