My Bipolar Super Power is … pissing people off and getting cancelled 😡… 😂 comment
Ego rebirth
Sometimes even the Witch King of Angmar has to just wait
Do you see yourself as neurodivergent?
Spouse threw gender stuff back in my face during a fight
At the Washington DC Veterans Protest
Hit my septum goal size 🤓 (8mm)
Too much focus on bastardy
going to the gynecologist on tuesday and i'm extremely nervous
Texas reverting gender markers on DLs and BCs
Safe person at a Christian Camp for kids?
I immediately find a person i’m attracted to, gross after I tell them i’m trans
I can’t stand being bipolar
taking testosterone without telling my parents first
This is the greatest shot in all of GOT/HOTD.
Wasteland Drifter
Help please!?
Opinion of the name Skye for a boy
Could I sue the state of Florida?
Priest Illustration by me
I do not feel comfortable using he/him until I pass/until the end of my transition
"Supporting" trans people is about more than just memorizing the right pronouns
Potentially a rough future for trans Texans