are the low effort romantasy ebook writers still making money
saw these on the subway… pls help me ID
Taming the bush
Any recommended Bulgarian authors, or alternatively, books set in Bulgaria, or at the very least, a book where the word Bulgaria might be mentioned?
Guys 😭 Moises is gone.
ISO journal/stationery shop in bk/lower manhattan
NYC Pilates/Hot Sculpt Girlies—How Are We Booking Classes?!
Lighthearted book recommendations for a friend going through chemo
Just finished ‘The Waves’ by Virginia Woolf
Two people sharing the great outdoors in the films of Eric Rohmer
Why is my entire Discover Weekly in Thai?
How do you feel about footnotes/annotations in books like Nevernight?
what sports do you follow and why?
anyone of you able to make a successful career out of humanities/arts?
A slum?
Foot fetish guy
My fantasy book club experience
Quality food writing these days?
New bar
Living Alone on 75k?
2 years worth of books!
Pumps NYC
These are some more pics of my cane toad doc!
Messages I receive when these dudes get pissed off or think THEY are running MY show