Buying a house using money from selling Bitcoin proving a challenge
How do you feel about common casual tax evasion in the UK?
Fiori Scheduled Reporting?
What's the buy-to-let equivalent for the next generation?
How are you all surviving?
Is anyone seriously considering leaving the UK in the near future?
Giant gas field discovered under Lincolnshire
The next level - NRY
Has LAMBDA been successful in replacing custom functions build with VBA or JavaScript
Being real for a moment, sometimes this sub is depressing af
How do we get our voices heard?
how old are you and what’s your salary?
Excel vs Python
Wage growth accelerates to 5.6% in new headache for the Bank of England
Which British band is commercially successful but gets a lot of hate like Nickelback?
Why are all salaries basically £33k, give or take
Any salaries above the industry standard for your job and position?
What’s been your single best financial investment?
Uk gilts up at a staggering 5.38%
What training has given you the best results for least effort?
How bad was your squash after the Christmas holidays?
Keir Starmer vows to rebuild Britain as Labour did after second world war
Where do you see the UK in 5 years time?
Just one lifetime ago in the United States, our grandfathers could buy a home, buy a car, have 3 to 4 children, keep their wives at home, take annual vacations, and then retire… all on one middle-class salary. What happened?
What *is* the way to UK growth? What would you do to reverse this slump?