PSA: Place Nodes in HQ
Vote kicking
Which was the first game you broke 1000+ hours of gameplay?
What mods would you add
Cross country trip with truck cap. Tell me the things I won’t think about.
No wonder no one wants to play commander.
Your reoccurring 10 minute reminder.
Just when I think this game is starting to get boring…
Stolen Tacoma recovered
Do most skis end up in landfills?
Deny a follow request
When The Commander Refuses To Build Garrisons.. It's Time For Drastic Measures.
Noisy neighbor at 3am
Why do people start a recon unit and then lock the unit so no one can join?
Is this tire done?
2016 DCLB - will a 255/80R17 tire fit on the spare under the bed?
Tacoma TRD I saw driving today.
Trying to find a headache rack and bed rails that will work with tonneau cover
Artillery PSA
Official Giveaway
Asking for an advice on some bugs in the game
90% of people on artillery are useless, so please stop wasting munitions
Fuck your guys, this is going to cost me a fortune to reconfigure.
What do you think about Origin?