Project Based Learning High Schools
Project Based Learning High Schools?
Another Xennial indicator? What's the equivalent of the "Oregon Trail" generation for tattoos?
Found this little guy on our plane
One step closer to Idiocracy.
Since we’re talking about crows. This is Allen, his murder adopted me & I’m okay with that!
The mountain is out and it is gorgeous outside 😍
Texans, how did you get here?
Bad enough to ask seller (builder of new home) to redo?
Howdy yall im going to issaquah for 3 months any thing i must see while here for those three months. Im coming from Texas, for an internship
Mortgage Fraud- What might happen?
Is property taxes in USA really that crazy?
East of 35
Closed on Friday afternoon and won’t get the keys till Monday. Please tell me it’s normal.
Repost from FB. Idk how people have the gall to write this shit up.
It’s so hard to find a good therapist in Texas. Any recommendations?
Story of a new build: 1 year later , lights, paint,insulation, drywall, tile & finishes
This drought and incessant triple digit heat is really fucking depressing. And idgaf about the “you must not remember the summer of blah blah blah.” This shit blows and it’s miserable.
Not sure if I'm overreacting to my chiropractor
It’s summer again. Debbie isn’t pleased.
To all the kids taking finals
Help I have a Karen in my neighborhood!
Want to move from Austin area to Portland. Any recommendations for walkable areas safe for families?
It indeed does move. Seen at East 7th HEB.