i'm done being targeted by your delusional, histrionic behavior.
update maybe?
jaclyn is in her journey... again
Jenelle & Tori are currently getting shithoused
Amber's first date...what?!
Selfies for her husbands birthday post?!
Is she his mom? 🙄
jenelle and tori are back together 👯
Teen Mom: The Next Chapter, Season 2 Episode 22, 03/13/3025
latest update. 3 days til move out (Sunday 3/16)
Tons of cringe videos on her niece instagram. She is definitely Jaclyn JR……I can’t seem to post them in entirety here but pure cringe worthy gold…😂😂😂🤮🤮🤮 I thought she rented? 🤔🤔🤔
No place
Adam Lind
another taliya tiktok
She looks like her bestie Avery Woods
Question about how these Amazon links work
tiktok with taliya
omg what
Jenelle’s big mad about August’s latest article calling her out for being too high to take care of her kids. Truth hurts bitch.
Random pics that make me laugh
Jacket with that kind of cut?
Pray for them guys!!