What can I change here (if needed)?
EC Winged Daemon Prince Proxy
Saw this box in the store today, was this a good pickup?
Terminators -Yay or Nay?
Wild TCGPlayer Prices
Bracket 3 Tournament Etiquette, was I wrong?
What’s your favorite card from the set you started playing in? I’ll go first.
What is your favourite Red card?
What are your personal deck building restrictions?
What is your favourite black card?
Help me converting Vanguard: Hedonites of Slaanesh to Warhammer 40k
No Sol Ring - Am I Overthinking?
EC Terminator WIP
The Warps Changed Me. Changed My Soldiers. It’s, Made Us Perfect
Two CommandFest dates announced, one with a very interesting date
Hopping on the Snakinator train
Terminators: Yay? Nay? Maybe?
Do You Have A Signature Deck? What Is It?
Just another snakinator post
Weekend Wrap Up! What was real and what was a trap?
Just a silly thing I noticed
Starting Dark Angels – 2000-Point List Help Needed
Stupid question: Where the hell do I get or how do I make a justiciar.
Anyone do green wing terminators? Im half tempted to because im not fully sure about painting loads of bone and I really like my greenwing scheme
Weekly Winners: Sands of Time; Kozilek's Return; Emperor of Bones