Cottage cheese is life. What do YOU pair with it?
What’s your username in gpt art ? This is me.
Why does my orange hit me? Context below
My shadow no matter what I’m doing
The 4 letter word
✨Girl dinner✨
Bf made me a yoshi’s island themed basket for Valentine’s last year
This b**** is happy to leave you alone
Don't talk to me or my video games ever again, ladies.
My neck before and after using a Hanacure mask
iitty bitty roar
What should I name these baby kittens?
iity bitty roar
Dealing with difficult personalities
Everyone at work is sick
Update: I broke up with my boyfriend bc he kept making jokes about murdering me
I live in the 18th floor and Cleopatra loves to be out on the balcony. I worry about her jumping or making the wrong move. Suggestions?
Anyone lost ability to drink coffee?
People who knew a killer, did you ever suspect they would do it? What happened?
What is yall fav boys video?
Gio is unbearable to watch.
My roommate got my cat killed.
How the Epstein files should have been released
Recently got my hands on a Nirvash typeZERO model kit, so here's a Collection Showcase
In "Shrek 5" (2026), people are complaining that the teaser looks AI Generated. This is a reference to how people are so rotted by AI that any minuscule change to the original artistic style is seen as not made by humans.
Ghost wakes us up with a bang, orbs seen, scares dogs, ghost plays with phone making it flash.