Lush recommendations for kids!! My 7 year old loves these.
Help with dexcom g7 !
Making everything a big deal
Describe what parenting is like for you right now in one word.
What is one thing you’ve done sexually that you’ll never do again?
People who had kids before 25.
sugar babies, how did you become sugarbabies and what tips would you give for someone wanting to be a sugarbaby?
How you take the straws out?
what happens to kids who grow up in immigrant households who have ARFID?
I called CPS on my sister’s best friend and now my sister blocked me
What kind of underwear are you all wearing?
The guy I am seeing wants to "watch me with another guy" but I'm not into that... Help
Help finding my Aunt
Who wins the gummy Bear battle? Haribo 🇩🇪 vs. Albanese 🇺🇸
Am i in the wrong for cutting off a guy instead of communicating my feelings
TIFU by showing up to an interview improperly dressed
What is a lie you've told that you will take to the grave?
Alcohol at school?
Since it was requested and I love to spread cringe…you’re welcome and I’m sorry?
Do you force your kids to stand for the pledge?
6yo woke up unable to walk
If you didn’t know their ages.. how old would you think they are?
Yeah, good luck on that future NASA job, moron
Why do humans like asses?