Need I say one of the best scenes of the show?
Elphie Going West
Name Pronounciation
Make the comments look like Chloe's Search history (Please don't say anything about the wigs + This is the last one)
Christopher Masterson
Janine and Gregory
What’s an unpopular Descendants opinion you have?
I am sincerely offended
The Bourne Stuntacular
Will we see much of the sixth kid in the reboot?
I wonder if Dawn and Yuri ever met each other in life
What are your biggest fears regarding the reboot?
Season 4 Episode 6
How Are We Feeling About the New Ship?
Bad Timing’s
Season Finale
Reese is back?!
Francis and Reese (when it comes to the reboot)
Effie Trinket
I can't believe there was a time when I didn't really care about him
Wally’s Clothes
Which princess has the best hair? 👸🏽🎀🖤❤️💛🤍🤎🤩