Actually relatable
backpacking across europe
This one’s a tough one. What really hurt your inner child?
Do you ever feel like there’s a voice inside your head and it’s screaming?
The resemblance is offensive🤣
You are near, yet so far.
Hi lovely peeps, do you have any recommendation of non-fiction books that changed your life?
Any other Reiki peeps here?
One of my newest creations - Milk Thistle, acrylic, resin, flok, 39 x 31 x 1.6 inches. Here I'm depicting Milk Thistle on the sunset in my wavy impressionist style. Can you guess the weight of such a painting?
Found this dude while weeding.
Some bracelets I’ve recently made.🌿
Is it normal to feel this way about love ?
An Infp with no individuality
What is your favourite colour, INFPs?
i feel like i’m patronized and not respected
Anyone else feel so deeply, chronically lonely?
I'm not asking for much, am I 😭😭
Which country is best for an INFP to move in?
How to detach from situation and people ?