If Jeff worked in a morgue/hospital
Jeffrey was extremely self-conscious about his lips (because he thought they were unattractive), and he always tried to hide them by pressing them together.
Does anyone know the main reason/s of Dahmer's victim selection?
(M25) I feel stuck in my relationship with my girlfriend, how do I fix everything? (F27)
Why do so many men not like independent and strong women?
How can I get better at helping my partner orgasm?
Moms, you’ve got 30 minutes to yourself. What do you do?
21m finishes before 19f every single time
I (18M) only want to pleasure my girlfriend (20F) in bed. how can I be more comfortable with her touching me?
In January 1991 Jeff still lived with his grandmother. Signed payment from Ambrosia, 4 Jan 1991.
M24/F26 - 6 Years, Still No Intimacy - How Do I Talk to My LDR Girlfriend About Sex?
Best pick up lines to ask women on valentines day?
Do I hate women?
My (20m)Girlfriend (19f) doesn’t orgasm and I don’t know how to help
What show was great at first but declined so much you couldn’t finish it?
Is it time to transfer my 1 year old down to one nap?
The time he drugged himself accidentally
How can stuff like Dahmer's polaroids leak ?
My boyfriend (32M) is expecting wifely duties from me (33F) but is unable to provide.
What no-sexual forms of intimacy do you do with your partner?
I just met someone who is perfect but the sex is horrible
Hiring sex worker for the first time
Is the show based on the true story and accurate?
Boyfriend keeps liking other girls’ provocative pictures on Instagram, and it’s really bothering me
What do I say?