One of their core character traits is their rampant ego. However- like it or not -they’ve more than earned the right to be.
Is there a name where everyone you’ve met with it pissed you off?
A curious case of Bryan downplay.
What do you think your mains best move is?
Kendrick is a hypocrite
I honestly hate people that quit 🙄 just lose like a man it's just a game rank means nothing in this anyway 😅
[Loved Tropes]Characters who became better, often happier people after they stop being enemies.
How much do you crave touch and affection?
Can we just admit that the hate is so forced on these 2 films
Describe your main (or mains) without vowels.
FightingGM's Season 1 Final Tier List (Not Ordered)
Been a huge fan of Kanye for years and I just found out he’s involved in music.
Which move would be buffed the most if there was no start or end lag?
What is your favorite cartoon of all time?
TRANS MEN ARE MEN - And unequivocally welcome here in GuyCry.
The Downplay on Devil Jin is quite frankly insane…
Men who enjoy strip clubs, why?
I'm struggling to figure out when and how you're able to sidestep, duck, and interrupt Steve's offense
[Loved Trope] Prostitute characters being treated as real people by the narrative (often in a positive light)
Say something that you don’t like about the ultimate spiderman comic
Have you ever been to a gentlemen’s club? What was your experience?
[Post Game Thread] The Los Angeles Lakers (40-21) defeat The New York Knicks (40-22), 113-109 in an OT thriller!
GAME THREAD: New York Knicks (40-21) @ Los Angeles Lakers (39-21) - (March 07, 2025)
How many times has a women approached you first in your life?