What is the point in trading your teslas with another car?
What is a fragrance you can’t stand?
My Top 10 Niche Fragrances (M)
1 House, 4 Fragrance Collection
We are ½ way through the year! Name your best and worst read books!
June BOTM Books are here! What did you add to your box?
Ranveer's IQ is greater than women
5 Different Houses. 2 Perfumes Each. Let's hear it.
Recent movies where the leads have simmering sexual chemistry
March BOTM Books are Here! What did you add to your box?
Have you ever DNF'ed a BOTM book?
Is the book worth reading even after watching the show?
What are your favorite lychee scents?
My roses this year
I’m going on a “book buying ban…”
Deepika Vs Alia in Bengali attire .
July Picks
Goodreads down for everyone?
What type of rose is this?
My may box with a photo bomber
My pick for the month of April
Janhvi’s Awkward Interview with Aishwarya. This has gone viral.
What has been your favorite romance read recently?
Problem loading bookshelf on the app