Which is the best Disney sequel?
why does she always feel the need to explain herself
grace in terrifer 4
she already deleted this post lmao
if you need to prove you’re not a poser—
A letter to Grace from a former bluebird
Which is your favorite New Zealand actor?
It's been 5 years since celebrities figured that in order to feel better during lockdown, we needed them to sing Imagine.
she's gonna dye her hair black
Well, what do ya know! More food dye and unhealthy garbage.
What actor or actress actually has talent although they come from nepotism?
Kyra liked 🤫
Which live action Cinderella do you like the best? (Yes I am aware that all of them aren't made by Disney, so don't come after me)
Everyone staying as far away from Grace as usual
More evidence of Grace dressing like the men she dates
Can she just shut up already?
that fake laugh is amazing 🥴
Nelson or Max Goof
good god 🙄
What’s an actor/actress you believe is not as good as people make them out to be?
If you were to swap lives with an unofficial princess, Who would it be? 🧐👸🏽🤩
‘WHaaaah people are so mean to me’ bitch bitch bitch. also, her less than 24 hours later
This might sound odd, but anyone else so sad/worried?