Would you buy this lot? How would you build on it?
2 Guardians Looking for Last Wish Raid Group At Launch
Dry-aging a rib roast and the fat cap was removed, any suggestions?
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Planted an apricot sapling -- sprouted a giant ore node instead.
Time Lapse of Home Theater Construction
[ps4] lf5m crotas end nm crota cp
[ps4] POE 35 at Skolas, need 1
[PS4] CE NM Crota CP, need sword bearer.
[PS4] LF1M @Skolas
[PS4] LF1M PoE 34
[PS4] LF1M POE 34 @ Qodron
[PS4] LF1M 34 experienced titan with 365 high impact void sniper. @ Skolas.
[PS4] LF1 at skolas need bro with sick void sniper to help
[PS4] Crota CP HM - Need 5 inc swordbearer
[PS4] LF1 PoE 34
[PS4] LF5M CE NM Crota CP
[PS4] LF3M Crota HM CP Final
[ps4] Lf2m NF no mic needed
[pS4] lf2M for NF halfway through already
[Ps4] lf1m skolas revenge @ skolas
[PS4] LF2P @ Skolas *preferably a titan and a warlock*
[PS4] LF2M @ crota HM checkpoint
[PS4] LF4M VoG Hard Templar checkpoint. Just trying for Fatebringer. Post info for invite
[ps4] LF1M 35 PoE skolas cp