I feel like cena not winning his 17 championship what yall think?
The superstar in your birth-month challenges you to a hell in a cell match… are you winning?
AIO gf told me not to thank a cashier because I shouldn't talk unless necessary?
Which faction is coming out victorious?
This chick went from 0-100 over a misinterpreted phrase
AIO. am I overreacting or is my bf
If someone says : wwe is so fake . What are you replying back with
What's the greatest opening line to a rap song?
Bathroom wifebutt selfie
What finishing move do you think actually hurts the most (not in kayfabe)
It you could personally own any captain America suit which suit would you want? And yes you get the Shield too
Two wrestlers that (no matter how hard people try to defend them) I don’t get the hype about.
Something WWE Should bring back? I'll go First
Shower wifebutt 😁
Come join me 😘
Cameltoe, with a small (or big) surprise
Pick one to be your slut
Who is the best wrestler in the world?
Sports Illustrated confirming the obvious. The Man Becky Lynch is The Greatest Of All Time. The only female in WWE History to be the Face of The Company. Well deserved.
He Deserves Better, We Deserve Better
Name a forgotten WWE wrestler, i’ll start.
Who do you miss the best
Which return are you more excited for and why?
I like Jey but I just don’t know about him on the mic.
what song