Would you say it means something when a man often glances at your lips while talking to you?
What are your thoughts on "money doesn't buy happiness"
Women in the US: did your sex ed in school discuss masturbation?
Fried pork skin with hair still attached
What’s a tv show from your childhood you swear nobody else watched?
Boyfriend is pissed for days because I forgot to buy something
My best guy friend ate me out
What's a poor life choice that people are encouraged to do these days?
Parent or not, what is one thing you would give a child that you did not have growing up?
What kind of fetish do you have that you're afraid people will find out about?
Which job is a LOT less fun than most people expect?
Unpopular opinions on the hobby
Is my handwriting illegible?
Reddit, what was the most absurd thing a broke partner did?
Ladies. What do you really think about a pierced penis??
People who knew a killer, did you ever suspect they would do it? What happened?
For my people prescribed Adderall are you really taking your IR 3 times a day?
AIO? Long distance girlfriend wants to take a break
What’s one thing everyone looks at you crazy for not liking?
want are something you hate people say just because your a women?
Do you consider Trump a conservative?
Boyfriend takes sex even after I say no…Am I overreacting by feeling this way?
What's your least favorite word that you adamantly refuse to use in your writing?
What is a random fact about yourself most people wouldn't know?
Say something part 1 did better than part 2