it's genuinely so embrassing having a crush on someone while you're ugly
Newpipe not working? I checked for updates, still not working
It's so humiliating having no one like you
Every boy likes a girl but me in my class
it's so unfair, everything in my life is
i am missing out so much on the teenage love experience 😭
a lot can change in 7 months
Classmates call me r@pist because of how I look
you are so cruel
i seriously do not see the point in living anymore
i wanna die, tomorrow is our school picture day and im too ugly
it's so mentally exhausting having a crush on someone who doesn't even like you at all
What do my paintings taste like?
i would rather die than treat people the way they treat me
Cute vs hot
why tf did i even agree to go to a school prom
i should have never agreed to go to my school's prom
i can't believe some people even talk to me
i wanna slap my friend so badly 🤦😭
i can't believe i have to go back to school again tomorrow
i know im ugly yet i can't stop torturing myself
im so embarrassed to go to school tomorrow
there's a difference between being genuinely ugly and just having body dysmorphia