Trauma May Be The Root Cause For Hormonal Imbalances/PCOS/Endometriosis…
I Am No One’s But My Own.
A EU Petition to Make Abortion Easier 🤍🌸
Healing The Witch Wound 🌱
Don’t like it. Same goes with misogynistic movies and shows
Why Are Men So Determined to Be Included in Feminist Spaces?
🌳 A Reminder That This Community Welcomes All Aspects of Womanhood
We Are Divine, Don’t You See? 🌳🌷🐚🌿✨
Women Are The Closest Thing To God 🌱🌿✨
Women Are Sacred 🦚🤍🌿✨
The One Thing Stopping Us From Overthrowing The Patriarchy
Do you ladies like romance (books, movies, shows)? Any recs for ones that are more enjoyable as a feminist?
Does anyone mind giving me a clwar difference on Radical feminism and Liberal feminism?
“Man” Once Meant “Woman”
Does anyone have unknown facts about menstruation?
Who’s line do you despise in this game
Always women (in my life)
It’s Not ‘Empowerment’—It’s a Distraction.
Y’all.. I asked a white American man who he voted for because literally every single one of his videos are about him liking Latinas tell me why he blocked me and called me a hater HAHAHAA
🌳 Just a Reminder: This is a No Sex Work/Porn/Kink/Surrogacy Positivity Space
What is it about men that makes up that rancid atmosphere?
I Present… My XP/Money Farm!
What’s The Purpose Of International Men’s Day And Men’s History Month Anyway?
“Anger” Doesn’t Even Begin To Describe It.
Way too many creeps on Reddit