Using ChatGPT to help me get my sister out
What’s your guys most listened to song at the moment?
My fiancé recently left, so this is how I eat now
Cat’s eye swollen shut from conjunctivitis
What’s the best popcorn you’ve ever had?
My first tattoo done by robert solsona at Nativo in Heidelberg/Germany
Aside from food and academics, what are some topics that you bring up when talking to your parents which will let you know each other better?
What activity is surprisingly a good workout?
What well known product do you think is overrated?
Why are you sorting by newest?
People who’ve been through high school, what’s the worst thing someone has asked during sex education ?
What song shouldn't be played at a funeral?
Hey Reddit, What is your phone background right now?
Scoooby dooooby dooooooooo!
What’s the greatest way to get revenge on someone who deserves it?
Your username is now multi-billion dollar company, what does it do?
*confused screaming*
This woman on tiktok cleans headstones for free
Lastnight I said no to cocaine for the first time in years and it feels amazing.
Today is my birthday! This is my third attempt at posting. Make me cry (or guess how old I am)
Approaching a penguin
Farewell Omey my friend and savior at 7 years old. 31.03.21 at 1.30pm. You will be missed. No other cat can fill the void in my heart. Rest in peace. Until we meet again.
This professor
If 16 year old you could see you now, what would 16 year old you think about your life?