Nope, not a Tesla!
Dumb and D umber 2025
Donnie won the gold star!
Perfect POS’s
Let’s keep him furious!
Justin Trudeau has announced his resignation as leader of the Liberal Party
My relatives wrapped my presents in Trump wrapping paper
Matt Gaetz hanging out with high school girls
Child rapist Matt Gaetz
Why are people flocking from Florida in record numbers?
Peanut Butter Fudge - what am I doing wrong?
Mitch McConnell, 82, fell during GOP lunch on Capitol Hill and injured his face, EMTs treating him
Florida Republicans grow supermajority as Tampa Democrat switches sides
We are all in agreement that we don’t care Biden pardon his son right ?
Jimmy at his best
Jimmy at his best!
Do you keep relationships with friends/family that vote Trump ?
BREAKING: A motion has been filed to REMOVE Donald Trump from VIRGINIA ballots too.
Big business
Chocolate Kahlúa, RumChatta flan cake
Donnies got a new job
Donnie’s new job!
Every Patriots quarterback with 5+ starts. Who are your favorites?
Stupid on so many levels.
Defascist proposal, on how Florida will replace the revenue from Disney