Michael Jackson "not dead" theories
Petition for changing Malta's anthem to Numb by Linkin Park
im convinced you all arnt real
Top píseň
Pojďme si zapí*ovat. Co vás dokáže spolehlivě nas*at?
Dad jokes
I made a song to my first beat
Finally pulled the plug and cut it off. Still want a transplant in some years. But this is fine for now I hope 👍🏽
Country(?) song I wrote. I’m very new to songwriting and music in general, so I would really appreciate any advice :)
Does anyone else touches themselves in bed without a sexual context?
Československá řízpublika
Co nejtěžšího dokážete vysvětlit v co nejjednodušším podání??!
Nejtrapnější návštěva doktora?
Jak divné je poslouchat dechovou/lidovou hudbu jako 19 letý?
cold propaganda
Caterpillar turns into a butterfly
Awwww I caught his ahh
I just shit in a urinal, AMA.
I have been a prostitute before to pay for my bills and schooling AMA
Chick’s got an ass like an onion
Roger Waters
I am following the hungarian new year tradition. (it is NOT diarrhea i swear)
This mark on my leg after sitting weirdly in a chair
A little too early