Give me fuckass animation recs
What is your top three favorite 2024 horror films?
Favourite director you discovered last year?
UPDATE: Website to guess the movie by its Letterboxd reviews!
Looking for Irish Movie Recommendations for St. Patrick's Day
It’s Friday! Drop your last four watched
Party Time! Excellent!
desperate for movie suggestions to add to this list
What did I forget about?
Who have you managed to beat Samuel L. Jackson with?
Happy Friday. What’s everyone been watching?
Name one actor whose movies you'll watch simply because they’re in it
Films with people Interacting with Lots of One Kind of Animal
Looking for movies about Fashion
Films with the main character named/called Baby
what were some of your favorite first time watches of February 2025
It’s fridayyyy! Post your last 4
Looking for films that are in both German and French
made a tool to find people with the same top four as you
What other movies fit this list?
What’s your favorite title card.
It’s Friday! What are your top 4 most recent watches?
Your most hated film of 2024?
My thoughts on Gamera vs Gyaos
movies with this vibe?