What kinda pothos is this and how the heck do I take care of it ? Any help 😭
Help, what's the best way to care for this plant
Proud Brasil, Cordatum, and Ruby Philodendron mama 💕
Shelter said lab mix. I only see pit. What does everyone think?
My neon variegation 🥰
N’ Joy vs Pearls and Jade?
What are these green shoots?
How can I say no to this face?
💩 tile counters that were painted need help STAT
Why is my Melano growing like that
That’s where they hide the spy periscope
Heterochromia, Bat Ears, Curly Tail, Jowls, and all…
What breed is my 7 month old dog? (He's adopted!)
Not a single friend/family member/vet guessed right…would you? Results at the end.
Y’all liked my Torino, so here’s my ‘72 Nova
AITAH for wanting to divorce my husband bc he added pee to my food?
Insta360 wants Youtubers to hide that they are sponsored by them.
IG reels edit cover not working
Yes or No?
I want to stamp my leather- thoughts?
Spotted another pickup on marketplace if anyone is interested
Laser engraver processing paths individually instead of as a group... plz halp
Dropped the Shutter speed to show some movement. Thoughts? too much?
Spotted in the wild today