Outer Wilds not clicking with me
How to open the orangerie door?
comment your state flag
Tier List
What game?
The Zone Anti-Technologique: A part of France where post-medieval tech doesn't work
What do you guys think about it
DelBene town hall 2/24
I'm new here an I have a few questions (the image is to get your attention)
Aerial protest view
On the next episode "the gang learns to love the bomb"
NCD designs a space warship Day 4, top comments decide what’s added/changed on the ship
Info on the magic resistant material the armor is made of?
It's truly getting more and more absurd
18 year old teen jumped off a cruise ship (Bahamas) on a dare. And was never seen again.
How true is this?
Bounty hunter claims he doesn’t have to follow laws thanks to ICE. Sunnyside, WA.
Screw the rules I have money
When that sweet "Next" button is glowing blue after a month
Family Matters - Sopranos: The Next Generation (Star Trek Sopranos crossover edit)
Another day, another LEAKED Starship internal view during reentry.
Timothée Chalamet, welcome to the War on Cars.
Timothée Chalamet using a Lime bike at the London premiere of A Complete Unknown
An Announcement Regarding WPA and HDH’s Schedule