Favorite bands with a front-woman (female lead singer)
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
Do people typically train their dogs on their own?
Rental Car Company?
What was the last / most recent classic rock song or album you purchased?
What's an underrated pizza topping?
What is the best sandwich you've ever eaten?
Cultural Food You Wish Austin Had More Of (Or At All)
It just keeps getting worse
Dutch broadcaster made this skit and it’s too funny
Veracruz is Out of Their Damn Minds
Italian food recs
Jasmine Crockett - ''We may be heading towards the next World War because we have a President that wants to pal around with Putin, and lying about who invaded who.''
Trump Supporter Pulls Flag on Cop During Traffic Stop
Dog can’t calm down when husband is around
Hey, I'm a country music fan who wants to listen to good blues. Any recommendations?
Anyone try?
Best use of keyboards in a band
Cousin Louie’s
First time traveler to Italy
In your opinion what is the best brand?
Hey Texas let’s watch and laugh as MAGA comes out to defend their Lord and Savior in the comments section. The second coming has arrived and this time he’s orange 🍊 🙌🏼
I’m a Canadian. Give me some hope that my country isn’t just about to be annexed by Trump.
veterans for Trump wya?
You are asked to rename Earth, what are you calling it?