If you were hiking around the cliffs overlooking suburban California and very close to Blue the Velociraptor, how do you survive this situation? Personally, I’d panic but stubbornly try to remain calm and quiet and not frighten her. Fingers crossed.
Jurassic World concept art shows a more reasonably sized Mosasaurus.
I love what this individual accomplished with effects and design but..
To Flex Overworking People to Death
Doom Eternal players, which demons do you exclusively reserve the Crucible for?
To keep it hidden
Dilophosaurus Accurate or Dilophosaurus Film
The Correct Jurassic Ranking.
Came across this up the loft that Dad got me years ago when I was a kid.
What are the best and worst ways Michael Myers has been defeated in the franchise?
Hot take: I like JW rebirth spino
My Jurassic Franchise Tierlist
One thing I always loved was the eyes.
I always loved the eerie/creepy vibe of the Dilophosaurus paddock
If Jurassic Park does get a remake, kicking off an entire reboot film universe what is the ONE thing you would like to see?
Mark got married
This is quite interesting...
The OG Halloween intro will always be iconic, but Halloween 4 has my personal favorite opening titles in the franchise. It just oozes the feeling of the titular holiday and Fall in general.
Is this true??
Indominus Tracker Implant Analysis
Every year around Halloween, I come up with scenarios about how to watch franchises and their sequels
The Doom The Dark Ages Soundtrack so far is..
Caption this.
It's just this easy Disney.