LMT trigger randomly becoming single stage?
Best place to buy my first LMT?
Staccato CS chunk port or v6 ports ??
Watchtower Clarification
First time hand stippling.
DSC island my TWC9
Confirmed ‘25 Production Calendar
Barricade stops
This can't be normal, can it?
Review of MPW00003
[optic] Aimpoint comp m4s surplus 499$ code: compensate
Advanced Puzzling
[parts] KAK intro pricing on new barrels and uppers, code- intro10, 10% off, $9.99 shipping
[WTS] LMT 12.5” dimpled piston barrel and carrier
She changed a bit 🖼️
Rattle can is kool
STI grip module questions
308 MWS Suppressors
2011 --> CS/C magazines... MJD conversation grip
Looking for recommendations of heirloom grade 2011s
[parts] Mid State combo deal. Criterion Core 13.9 barrel and Microbest Chrome fancy BCG (c158, hpt/mpi, ocks, sprinco) - $399
Decided to ditch my PT Hero grip for the MJD Villain grip I had on another gun, I just like it better.
[Rifle] FN SCAR 17S DMR NRCH 6.5Creedmoor FDE $2,575 no tax for most (add to cart)
Infinity Price Hike in 2025