Would the Meta 2 be good enough to do workout videos on?
Someone hires you to use 2 HUGE 50 gallon trash bags FULL of: sparkly, multicolored craft Puff Balls in random sizes AND you need to use them ALL in ONE single project, what would you do?
Please Help Plant-y. Cat attacked my beautiful lush Monstera. Cat is ok, but omg, how should I proceed?
What's something nice that YOU can do for someone TODAY?
What are the songs that give you butterflies every time you listen to them?
What career you didn't pursue, that you know now you would have excelled at, but the time investment to do so would be too much at this point?
What is something you can never find when you're looking for it, but then when you are not looking, you have a shit-ton of?
Anyone want to start Noom tomorrow and be weight loss buddies? More in comments.
Let's Cross the Finish Line!
Today wasn’t great
What’s 1 good thing you did today?
Otters, you know who you are, please see comments for details.
We need a spirit animal.
Update: Poll results are in....
[Hiring] Remove background construction noise and fix overall sound quality for a 40 min YT video. $20 PPal
So many people have told me that my dog is ugly compared to “normal” corgis, what do you think?
PsBattle: Sea Creatures in the Sea
What is your response to people who have never heard of Reddit?
What is your new obsession?
What movie do you consider a cult classic?
PsBattle: Jumping on the beach
PsBattle: Capitan standing in an engine
PsBattle: Aerodynamic little bird
PsBattle: A very large cat.
PsBattle: Huge crab photo bombing a selfie