So uhh... Vucic is apparently milking the tragedy in N. Macedonia to the drop to distract the public from the protests happening in Serbia. What are your thoughts on this behavior?
Zašto se povređeni u požaru iz Makedonije, prevoze i leče u blBeogradu?
How insane was Marlo
Prevarena u osmom mesecu trudnoće, živimo u vanbračnoj zajednici. Ne pišem ovo da me sažaljevate, ali bi mi dobro došao neki savet, kako su se neke žene/mame izborile sa sobom i šta je najpametnije uraditi u ovoj situaciji?
Dodik: Završit će se tako da će Hrvati dobiti Herceg-Bosnu
Zene, kako izaci na kraj sa menstruacijom u subotu?
Which main/secondary characters' futures well beyond the final episode do you wonder about the most often? Here are some of mine
Is The Game yay or nay for you?
Whose death shook you the most?
Golub je izlegao jaja na terasi. Sta da radim?
Where can i find a damn elf?
ChatGPT: How would Kaiser cover Meghan on Drew Barrymore's show:
People of Macédoine du Nord, do you understand/speak Serbian or Bulgarian better? People of Serbia, do you find it easier to understand/speak Macedonian compared to Bulgarian or no difference really?
Crepe Mix and Tea!! You Guys!!! + inevitable Duchy Originals comparison + Pippa again and breaking eggs
To older Europeans - has there ever been a time where America was seen as such an untrusted country?
8 Years in Germany after an Indian city – a quality of life upgrade
Are there any songs about motherhood made by female rappers?
Kako komentarisete sto se svetska politika na najvisem nivou pretvorila u zadrugu?
I’m cooked, zaljubila sam se u red flag lika. Da li da se brinem?
Who’s an artist that disappeared and you want them to make another song/album?
If ALDI is the trashy "walmart" store, what is the "nice" store?
Albums similar to Illmatic and The Infamous
What’s the most emotional rap song to you?
How’s life in Paris?
Meghan, a woman who wants to make the world pretty