Starting a new job after recently being let go and I'm nervous... any advice?
The first human that got a caffeine rush from coffee probably thought the beans were 100% magical.
What is the nicest thing a stranger has done for you?
23 y/o South Asian female, 140 lbs, 5’3”, living in south Texas, Ubusuakly large belly with stretch marks
What's the thing that always happens in the movies that NEVER happens in real life?
What’s a very common thing that you just cannot relate to?
Texas DPS Get in line online: can someone explain how it works?
I am scared of moving out of my parents house, even though I am 23 years old, what should I do?
[Serious] Cancer survivors of Reddit, when did you first notice something was wrong?
I am an employment attorney here to tell you how to respond to sexual harassment in the workplace in the "#MeToo" era. Ask Me Anything!
Who's someone that "gets a pass" because they're famous but really shouldn't because they've done/are involved in some shady sh*t?
What is the worst casting decision in the history of film or tv?
You’re not crazy, periods are terrible
If you were to re-create the Live Aid concert, which bands would you call upon for your concert lineup?
What's the biggest fuck-up you have witnessed?
What food does everyone love but you hate?
TIFU by going to the gym early in the morning.
LPT: If your small children (5-9) keep turning on their bedroom light at night, give them glow in the dark pajamas. If they want them to glow, they have to leave the light off.
LPT: If you get the sense someone's forgotten your name, tell them a story that quotes someone talking to you
What's the last straw that made you go, "yep, that person is definitely crazy"?
What’s the real life equivalent of getting downvoted?
I am planning to attend graduate school while working full-time, how many credit hours should I take?
LPT: Buy cold medecine, cough syrup, anti-bacterial lozenges, and canned soup now so you don't need to make a trip to the pharmacy when you're dying and there's 10 inches of snow outside.
1 karma = 1 USD, what do you do with your new found money?
Should I get an MPH or an MHA?