Thoughts on this logo? (not my work)
[7 YoE, Private Investigator, Marketing Specialist, United States]
What's one book on ADHD that changed your life?
Need feedback on scalable popsicle icon for “flavored t shirts”
Looking for feedback! Just wrapped up our fav client
What does executive dysfunction feel like to you?
What comes to mind when you see this logo?
Broken Sunglasses Holder
Missing Item
Bob’s time loop
If a recruiter hits you up and you’re not actively looking, tell them the rate is too low.
ITAP of a half-eaten blood orange [wildlife feeding signs]
What are the best practices for transitioning at work?
Trans Intersectionality at Work
Are you out at work or stealth?
Happy Trans Day of Visibility! What are you doing today to celebrate? What is your workplace doing?
Hoping y’all will appreciate this 🚽👑
Anyone know what font this is?
Dragonhaus update (they're running another business)
Please critique my website. looking for my first full time job for the past 6 months and have no call backs.
Logo for wine bar finally finished! Had a lot of help from others through Reddit
Any feedback would help. Working on my project and decided to create this logo, this is the 2nd iteration; created on ps cause I find illustrator difficult to use
Logo Appreciation Post [not my work]
Just published my first LinkedIn article on Leadership! I’d appreciate if everyone took some time to read it, I’d love to hear your thoughts 🙏🏽🙏🏽 [more in comments]